USP Marketing Consultancy

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In the ever-developing world of the construction, installation and home improvement markets, it pays to stay up to date on the latest news, trends and developments. Here you will find a selection of the latest insights derived from our continuous monitor researches, as well as a selection of important trends and topics we focus on.

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For more information about our expertise and research on building materials please contact the responsible partner below.
We look forward to help you.

Contact our expert:

Dirk Hoogenboom


Customer satisfaction

How to increase your turnover through customer satisfaction?


The more distinct your brand is, the more valuable it will become.

Customer journey

A customer journey is a customer's personal experience with your company.

Product development

Provide your product development and design team with end-user insights

Market exploration

Gain the insights you need to be successful in new and potential markets


Pricing is and always has been the biggest profit driver. We help you setting the right prices for your product


Better understand the unmet needs of you (potential) customers, identify growth opportunities and reach your target group in an effective way.

Market size

Quantify the potential returns of your investment by understanding the market size and setting realistic sales targets for new and potential markets

Driver analysis

Know which elements of the customer experience have the most impact on overall satisfaction, recommendation, and retention.



​Read our articles based on the insights from our Market Reports. 

Case Studies

Market Research Case Studies and industry experience can bring background and thought to any research project.

Market reports

The following researches are available covering various markets.

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About USP

What we do, in words and numbers.

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